Primary science
Learning objective and success criteria for Grouping and naming rocks
This is a sheet where you can easily print off the LO AND SUCCESS CRITERIA for grouping and naming rocks. Adult to cut up or print onto sticky labels and then put in books. Makes marking life so much easier!
Hope it helps!
Topic Web for Rocks and the Stone Age Year 3
Although some of the subjects I teach may follow different schemes of work, this may help you to find some learning objectives for Year three particularly in History and Art.
The these are;
Music - classical music
Re - How did belief in God affect the actions of people in the Old Testament
Art - Cave paintings
Extended Writing - biographies
French - numbers, games, days of week
Science - rocks
PE - Games - tag rugby
P - Physical Activity - PSHE - Understanding our bodies
ICT - Rising Stars
Labelling the cross section of the Earth
The children have to label the cross section of the Earth. For this worksheet there is a given word bank for them to use. This can easily be removed for the MA group and then again extended for the HA by asking them to write about the different layers of rock in more detail.
This was a lovely lesson and the children loved the worksheet!
LO / SC written at the top ready to make marking easier!
Science - identifying, naming and grouping animals
This is a science worksheet for Year 1. First they have to stick a picture in a box and then name the animals. Next they have to decide which group the animal belongs to (bird, fish, reptile, mammal, amphibian etc). Once they have done that they have to write a feature of that animal group to say why they think it is a bird, reptile, amphibian, mammal etc.
LO and success criteria are in a box at the top of the page ready for the teacher to mark.
This will save loads of time! Enjoy.
Worksheet on grouping animals with or without a skeleton Y3
This is a worksheet where the children have to identify and group animals with or without skeletons, they can either cut and stick pictures or write the names of the animals.
The worksheet has been differentiated three times;
LA - uses language of 'with skeleton / without skeleton'
MA - uses language of vertebrate / invertebrate - with definition beside to remind them
HA - just uses title 'vertebrate / invertebrate' - no definition
I can't attach the pictures I used due to copyright but there are loads on the internet out there to use. The tables will save time and include the LO and Success Criteria.
I hope they help!
Medium Term Planning Topic Web Year 1 - Clothes
The topic web includes Learning objectives on;
Extended writing - Writing instructions
PSHE - Empathy training
RE - Jesus growing up
PE - Gym
DT - making tabbed outfits or a teddy
Art and Design - weaving
History - clothes present and past
Science - everyday materials
Topic Web - Growing - Year 1 - Medium Term Plan with Learning objectives
This is a topic web used for Growing in Year 1 for Spring 2.
This includes;
Science - Plants
Extended writing - Rhyming Phrases
Music - exploring instruments
PSHE - Making the right choices and keeping safe
ICT - filming a recipe
DT - Making clay flower pots / cooking
RE - Baptisma nd Easter symbols
PE - Team Games
This is a topic web for Y3 on the topic let there be light. If anything this will be useful to have simply for the LO's which you can use and helot to guide you plan the term. The children are loving it so far!